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Lights, Camera, Homicide

Costa Del Corpse

The Bonfire Night Massacre

The Book Of Death

The Stiletto

Hurrah For Hilary

A Poison Of Passengers

The Devils Brew

The Red Zeppelin

The Scandal At Bletchley

The Gunpowder Treason

The Pineapple Republic

Murder At Flaxton Isle

The Wilkerson Farm Murders

Lights, Camera, Homicide

The killer robots are having a quick cigarette outside the church hall.  

Filming is underway on the latest series of The Professor, a long-running television drama. Simon Turing has a small part in one episode, his first TV role. His character, David Egan, is due to be infected with a deadly virus and then to go on a murderous rampage. It all sounds great fun.

 Location shooting has begun down in Dorset, but all is not well with the production. Long simmering jealousies are rising to the surface and, when a crew member dies in suspicious circumstances, events threaten to spiral out of control.


All material copyright Jack Treby 2025