Jack Treby Online
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Lights, Camera, Homicide

Costa Del Corpse

The Bonfire Night Massacre

The Book Of Death

The Stiletto

Hurrah For Hilary

A Poison Of Passengers

The Devils Brew

The Red Zeppelin

The Scandal At Bletchley

The Gunpowder Treason

The Pineapple Republic

Murder At Flaxton Isle

The Wilkerson Farm Murders

San Doloroso

Tourist Information

Toronja (Capital City)

Simón Doloroso

El Hombrito

Radio Libertad

Newspaper Cuttings


The Pineapple Republic

Democracy is coming to the Central American Republic of San Doloroso.
But it won't be staying long...

The year is 1990. Ace reporter Daniel Parr has been injured in a freak surfing accident, just as the provisional government of San Doloroso has announced the country's first democratic elections.

The Daily Herald needs a man on the spot and in desperation they turn to Patrick Malone, a feckless junior reporter who just happens to speak a few words of Spanish.

Despatched to Central America to get the inside story, our Man in Toronja finds himself at the mercy of a corrupt and brutal administration that is determined to win the election at any cost...



All material copyright Jack Treby 2025